Behind the Microscope with Associate Professor Tarik Sammour

The second Behind the Microscope was a huge success with over 100 people attending.
Associate Professor Tarik Sammour, researcher and colorectal cancer surgeon, talked about how his team is improving patient recovery and quality of life after colorectal cancer surgery. Tarik not only spoke passionately about his research, but also about the importance of bowel cancer screening. He urged everyone to get tested.
A number of members of the community attended the event including the ladies from CRAB (Cancer Research Advocate Bikers). CRAB is a social motorcycle club who raise money for cancer research. Since 2010, CRAB has donated over $200,000 to the RAH Research Fund. An incredible result!
Tarik leads his research with a strong focus on patient centred outcomes.
“It’s less important to care about what doctors care about…and more important to care about what patients care about!”.
You can watch Associate Professor Tarik Sammour’s presentation on improving patient recovery and quality of life after colorectal cancer surgery below:
If you would like to know more about Tarik’s research please visit…
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